Thesis of The Third Reformation of the Church
Issues of The Reformation
Elvis Iverson
Reformation is being reformed to the Image of Christ, Revival is the manifested glory of Christ through the Church to the world, both revival and reformation is coming. Reformation will lay a foundation for lasting revival and the coming resting glory of Christ.
We are now living in the days of reformation! These are the days of Reformation! I believe these days will be at least 40 years. Reformation is a Divine Work of Grace in the church and in our hearts.
Since the days of Martin Luther, the reformer, the restoration of the Priesthood of Believers has begun and we are living in the days of the beginning of end of this restoration.
We are now living in the third reformation of the Church. I personal believe there will be five reformations of the church. The first reformation begun with Jesus unto the days of Paul and so on, this was the reformation from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant however, there were people who did not obey the holy winds of reformation. The second reformation was from Catholicism to Protestantism. Now we have come to the Third Reformation, the reformation of Christianity. The fourth reformation is the reformation from the local church to the City Church, and the fifth reformation will be from City Church to the Return of Christ and His Kingdom on Earth.
What are the Issues of this reformation? This is the reformation of Christianity. Every thing that is not of His Word, Nature, Will, Order will be burn up, and those things that are of His Word, Nature, Will, and Order will be put through the fire of reformation. Reformation is a Divine Work of Grace in the Church and in us. It must be done according to the Holy Spirit and not of human wisdom or human reasons. We must not preach by our wisdom, we must only preach by the Wisdom of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Yes we must speak in all authority, Holy Ghost Boldness, Truth, Holy Ghost Conviction, Confidence and at the same time speak the Truth in love, grace and mercy, with humility and meekness.
However, we can’t go around warring against the flesh and cutting of heads, arms and lags of the Body of Christ. This is the reformation of the Church not the destruction of the Body of Christ.
The Apostolic Church will mature in time and arise as a holy fire of reformation. The Lord’s hand is strong upon the Apostolic Church molding and forming into His Image. Very soon the fires of reformation will be set upon the Holy Altars of pure hearts and this fire will burn throughout the Church and Christianity. This reformation is a massive reformation; this reformation is the great reformation!
Once when this fire is set upon the altars of pure hearts this fire and grace will begin its work. There are seven stages; the first is the rooting out of certain doctrines and teachings, the second stage is to pulling down of the positions of power and authority, the third stage is to destroy the old buildings, the forth is to throw down any things that will try to come in doing this time to act like God’s will. The fifth stage is to build the new buildings and the Apostolic Church, the sixth is to plant new seeds, and now the seventh is the stages of unity and healing.
The Issues and Theses for the Reformation:
The beginning of the end of Christendom.
The beginning of the end of Religion in the Church.
The beginning of the end of Denominations.
The end of the Tithing System and the beginning of the Grace Giving System.
The end of the divisions between Clergy and Laypersons.
The end of One-man Pastors and beginning of Groups of Elders.
From Pastoral Authority to Apostolic Authority.
From one-man ministries to many Body Ministries.
From the Local Church mindsets to the City Church Mindsets.
From the Sunday Church only to the Everyday Church Life.
Instead of the Church Ministries only now there will be Marketplace Ministries.
From the Foundations of Traditions to a foundation of Living Apostles and Prophets.
These are just some of the Issues of the Reformation. Listen to this as in the last two reformations there were people that didn’t obey the Holy Winds of Reformations and there will be those who will not obey today. The question is are you going to obey the Holy Winds of Reformation?
Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved
Click here to add tReformation-Transformation
Elvis Iverson
We are entering into the times of Divine Changes in the Church, these times will manifested into the world from the outflow of the divine changes that will be going on within the church. The face of Christianity will change in one generation. A New Christianity will be birth and possess the Christianity that we know of today. The Acts of the Apostles will be reborn in the modern changes that are coming to the church around the world. Signs and wonders will be common among the many believers.
Reformation is coming to the Church around the world. Reformation is being reformed to the Image of Christ. An apostolic and prophetic foundation is already being led for reformation, revival and transformation to come upon the church and the world.
We are living in the days of the beginning of the next great reformation; a massive reformation is coming to the whole of the Church. Reformation is for the Church and Transformation is for the world. Transformation is the reformation of the world. Society Transformation is the reformation of cities and nations to the image of Christ.
Transformation is greater then revival, and revival is apart of transformation, and revival will bring transformation. With the raise of the marketplace apostles will bring the connection between the church and the marketplace. And the building of the bridge for the transfer of wealth will lead and the breaking of the spirit of poverty of the church will aid and lead to Social Transformation.
We must build a supernatural bridge for the transfers of the wealth too not only come but also to continue to flow in the church unhindered, underlay, unstopped, and no breaks, and no between seasons without this supernatural flow of wealth. This bridge of transfers of wealth will be made up and build with, 1. Church apostles, 2. Marketplace apostles. 3. Grace giving. 4. Christian Businesspersons. 5. Workplace Believers. 6. Wealthy believers. 7. Cyrus Leaders. 8. Joseph Leaders.
Social Transformation will come to our cities and nations through these steps, 1. Prayer. 2. Prophets. 3. Apostles. 4. City Church Apostles. 5. City Church. 6. Apostolic Unity. 7. Marketplace Apostles. 8. Revival. 9. Apostolic Vision. 10. Marketplace Believers. 11. Transfers of Wealth. 12. Signs and Wonders.
Reformation is coming to the church and transformation is to coming to the world, and the links between them are revivals. Revival is the manifesting of the glory of the Lord through the church to the world.
The Reformation that is coming is the third reformation of the church; it called the new apostolic reformation it has already begun and it will go through seven stages or seven works of reformation. They are 1. Apostles and Prophets laying the foundation, 2. Great grace and great power upon the apostles, 3. The Apostolic Church being established, 4. Massive Reformation comes to the rest of the church, 5. Revivals and glory come upon the church, 6. The Church and Israel coming into oneness in Christ, 7. The fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Furthermore, we should pray for Reformation to come to the church, pray for Social Transformation to come to our cities and nation, and pray for revivals to come everywhere.
Copyright © 2006 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved
Personal Reformation
Elvis Iverson
Reformation has already begun; this is a time of reformation that has begun. This time of reformation will come to the whole church around the world. I see a vision of angels released in such as a time as this; they are flying over the church around the world, releasing reformation fires upon the church. –(Heb. 9:10)
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of reformation, and there is beginning an outpouring of the Spirit of reformation upon the Church, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Revival and there is coming great outpourings of revival upon the Church. Reformation is laying the foundations for revivals, massive revivals, habitational revival, lasting revivals, and the resting glory of the Lord. –(Jer. 1:10)
There are some who are crying reformation, who are shouting reformation, however they do not have Spirit of Reformation, for true reformation comes with love, grace, patience, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor.14: 26, Eph. 4:15)
As reformation comes to the Church on a corporate level, reformation will come on a personal level; from corporate reformation comes personal reformation to you and me. –(Isa. 1:16-20)
We are to pray for corporate reformation to come to the church, we are to be praying for massive corporate reformation to come to the city church, national church and the global church, and we are to pray for personal reformation to come to us. –(MK. 11:11-26)
Apply the process of personal reformation with these sample steps, personal reformation is renewing our minds, and our ways of faith in grace, and anointing. As we change our mindsets, renewing our minds and changing the ways of church on a personal level, we will see the fruits of reformation and the fries of reformation in our lives. –(Matt. 4:17,Rom. 12:2, Heb. 12:25-29)
Process of personal reformation:
Pray for personal reformation, pray for grace of personal reformation, pray for the Spirit of reformation, and pray for your heart to be filled with love.
Write down everything you know about church and the Christian life, then write down everything the Bible says about church, and about the Christian life, then repent for doing and being apart of those things that are not the church that are not the Christian life.
Read, study, and meditate on the Scripture truths on reformation, pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and Spirit of Revelation, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you in reformation and personal reformation.
Read, study, and meditate on teaching and articles that have a nature of reformation, and that is reformation in nature and those on the reformation. Allow the Holy Spirit lead you and teach you, repent of those areas that you follow in faith that is not the ways of Christ for the Church and the Christian life.
Begin to change the way you do Church, and the way you do Christian life.
Seek to fellowship with those who are seeking the Lord for reformation and personal reformation.
Speak love and understanding to those who disagree with you, and pray in love for them. Above all you can fellowship and should fellowship with believes based on the Cross of Christ first and foremost.
Pray and find those spiritual leaders that are following the Lord in reformation.
Pray for the fires of reformation to come upon your life, upon your mind and your heart.
Begin to share the truths of reformation with others, in love and grace.
Pray and ask the Lord to open your eyes to any demon that is in your life that is against the reformation, then pray, bind, cast out those evil spirits that are against reformation and break any soul ties with things, people, ideals, groups, that are against reformation. Pray for fires of reformation to burn those things away from your life.
Be open to others about reformation, and reformation truth, all those in reformation may not agree on everything, but those things we agree upon we built upon, and show love and respect to those who teach reformation things that you disagree about, and built upon those things you agree upon, and above all fellowship is based upon the Cross of Christ.
As you enter into personal reformation be humble and have a listening ear to hear from the Holy Spirit and from others around you. Ask the Lord to guard the truths of reformation in your heart and lead you in the process of reformation. –(Gal. 3:1-9, 5:1,7-15)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Personal Revival
Elvis Iverson
Global revivals are coming, national revivals are coming, regional revivals are coming, and city revivals are coming, first and foremost the church will be filled with revivals, many revivals and the life of revival, and then from the church these revivals will overflow unto the nations and cities around the world. –(Isa. 64:1-5)
Corporate revivals are coming, and personal revival is coming to you. You must believe this, hope for this, instead have faith today for personal revival for you, God’s will for you is personal revival, is revival life, the life of a Christian is to be one of revival, the life of revival is the life of a Christian, and this is the truth, and nothing but truth, and God have mercy on us. –(Acts 2:17-18, Eph. 5:15-18, Psa. 104:30-33)
You must remove any per-ideals about corporate revival and personal revival. Revival is a manifestation of God’s glory in the church overflowing unto the cities and nations around the world, and personal revival is the manifestation of the glory of the Lord in your heart, upon your life, and overflowing upon those around you. –(Psa. 78:41)
True revival changes you, and changes those around you, true revival changes your heart, and changes the ways and plans of your life, true revival filled with the love of God, and the fear of the Lord. True revival begins with a burning passionate love for Christ. –(Deut. 6:5, Eccl. 12:13-14)
The Christian life was always to be a life of revival; the Church life was already to be a life of revival. You must know and believe that this is the will of the Lord that is God’s perfect will for you and the church. –(Acts 2:1-4, 1:12-14)
Apply the process steps leading you to personal revival, and the beginning of personal revival, and we should believe that revival is not a one-time act or time, or a seasonal thing; instead it is a lifetime thing. –(Jn. 7:37-38, Isa. 44:3-5)
There are visitation revivals, which are revival movements; some are seasonal, and some are lasting, and then there are habitational revivals that are resting revivals that will rest upon the city church in your city, and there are massive revivals, all these are corporate revivals, then there is personal revival. –(Ex.13: 21-22)
Process leading to a beginning of personal revival:
Pray for corporate revivals, etc. and pray for personal revival to come, pray this everyday, or almost everyday, pray in understanding and pray in the Spirit for revival to come.
Cast off per-ideals about revival, be open to the Lord, and allow Him to move in your life the way He wants to move.
Ask the Lord show you what is hindering revival in you life, and then deal with those things, and repent.
Pray for the Spirit of repentance, Spirit of Revival, Spirit of Supplication, Spirit of Grace, and Spirit of burning, to be outpoured upon you life always.
Pray for Word revelation and Prophetic Revelation, pray for outpouring of revelation, prophecy, visions, and dreams, and revelation from the Word of God, revelation is a key to open the door of revival.
When the Lord speaks or gives revelation, etc. then enter into times of worship.
Ask the Lord to show you any demon spirit in your life, any demon that is against revival, and then cast them out. Deliverance is one of the keys to open the door to revival.
Read, study and meditate on the history of past revivals, and pray for them to be dug again the past wells of revivals, and pray for more revivals, and many new revivals to come, read and study prophetic prophecies and visions of coming revivals, and begin to pray them forth.
Read, study, and meditate on revival Scriptures, and scriptures promises about revival, and pray them for your life.
Read, study, and meditate on teachings and articles on revival, and that have a nature of revival.
Through faith and patience enter into the process and possess revival.
Pray for burning passionate love for Christ and to be filled with the fear of the Lord, this is beginning of personal revival.
The keys to opening the doors to revival:
Repentance is a key to open the door to revival.
Intercession and prayer are keys to opening the door to revival.
Deliverance is a key to opening the door to revival.
Revelation is a key to opening the door to revival.
Burning passionate love for Christ is a key to opening the door to revival.
Burning passionate fear of the Lord is a key to opening the door to revival.
Faith for revival is a key to opening the door to revival.
We already know that revival is coming, many revivals are coming, the life of the church will be a life of revival, the life of a Christian will be a life of revival, the church will never again be without revival, and the Christian will never again be without revival, and you will have personal revival. –(Heb. 11:1)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Reformation of the Priesthood
Elvis Iverson
Every believer is a priest; the church is a holy priesthood throughout the earth, in every city, and in every nation, the priesthood begins in the home, the church in your house, and the church in your home, before some mislead local church came along. Believers are not only priest, they are kings in Christ. The priesthood is the church, and kings of the Kingdom are for the Kingdom of God, the church is the priesthood of the Kingdom. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, Rev. 1:5-6, 5:9-10)
Every believer has a gift, spiritual gifts, and each believer has at least one of the gifts of the Spirit, each believer can minister the Word of God, every believer is a minister of the Word, every believer is called an oracle of God, and every believer is to speak the Word and minister to one another. –(1 Pet. 4:10-11)
Every believer is called to minister to one another, prophesy to one another, sing song with one another, share with one another, and teach one another in the priesthood in the home. –(1 Cor. 14:26, Eph. 5:19-21, Col. 3:12-16)
We must have the revelation and vision of the church in the home, the priesthood in the home. This is biblical fellowship; this is the beginning of true church, true Christianity, and true apostolic church. The one another ministry, and the beginning of the priesthood begin in the church in the home, not some so-called made up local church. –(Acts 2:46, 20:20, Rom. 15:3,5, 1 Cor. 16:17, Col. 4:15, Phile. 2)
What is the Lord’s Supper? It is believers coming together in the church in the home, to eat together, fellowship together, share together, pray together, sing together, prophesy together, and care together. –(Acts 2:42, 1 Cor. 11:17-34)
The some set ones are to equip the saints to the do the work of the ministry, the some set ones have the equipping ministry, and the believers have the work of the ministry. Pastors minister along with the believers in the home, and minister pastoral care and love, the evangelists ministry is between the home churches, they minister between six of them, and belong to one of them. Apostles, prophets, teachers minister at a center to raise, father, mentor and equip believers for the work of the ministry. –(Eph. 4:11 –12, 1 Cor. 12:28)
A new apostolic congregation is a network of home churches with a center. Apostles, prophets, teachers are the elders, with a senior elder leading the elders, the elders minister as a holy union of grace, the elders flow as a team of anointing. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 15, 5:12, Acts 19:9)
Ekklesia is one of words for church, a called out people, called out to fellowship with one another in the priesthood in the home, the church in your house, the church in the home. Another word for church is Kuriakon meaning we belong to the Lord, we are called to love the Lord and love one another. We need the true meaning of church, which is the priesthood in the home. The priesthood begins in the home; the church is the priesthood of the Kingdom.
We have enter into a holy reformation, this is the beginning of the end of the restoration of the priesthood, which will lead the mature city church, but we now have begun to enter into the beginning of the restoration of the Kings of the Kingdom. The ministry of the Apostle is to rise up the kings of the Kingdom.
We need the restoration of the priesthood in the home, the beginning of the priesthood begins in the church in the home, and we need the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom that begins in the workplace. The Kingdom of God is in the hearts of the believers and through the Holy Spirit the increase of the Kingdom of God will come in our cities and nations, we will see social transformation.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
The Road to Reformation
Elvis Iverson
We have already enter into the beginning days of the great apostolic reformation, this is the third reformation of the church, this will be a reformation of the whole church, this will be a extreme reformation that will change the face of the church in one generation. I believe many things will happen within one generation of our time.
In one generation we will see the new apostolic church arise and fill the church, in one generation we will see the new apostolic congregation arise in many cities, In one generation we will see the new apostolic city church arise in many cities, and in on generation we will see extreme reformation come to the whole church, in one generation we will see many revivals come upon the church and upon many cities and nations around the world, in one generation we will see the face of many nations and many cities change, and in one generation we will see massive numbers and many harvests of souls in many cities and many nations.
The Church will be reformed and align to the Kingdom of God, we will see great increases of the Kingdom of God, and we will see great increases of the church in our time, and then beyond.
This is why we must learn to hear what the Holy Spirit is speaking to the church through His Apostles and Prophets.
We must understand the road to reformation, we must hear and write the vision of reformation out, and learn to follow, walk, pray, and run with the Spirit of Reformation in love.
The Road to Reformation:
The Road to Reformation is a work of patience. –(Heb. 6:12)
The Road to Reformation is a test of time. –(Eccl. 7:8, Hab. 2:3)
The Road to Reformation is a test by fire. –(1 Cor. 3:11-15)
On The Road to Reformation we must test the spirits. –(1 Jn. 4:1)
On The Road to Reformation we must test all things. –(1 Thess. 5:21)
Until the time of reformation, reformation of all things in the church. –(Heb. 9:10)
Foundation of Apostles and Prophets. –(Eph. 2:20)
On the Road to Reformation we must promote unity. –(Eph. 4:13)
Remain in grace and truth, Spirit and Truth, Spirit and Life, Truth in Love on The Road to Reformation. –(Jn. 1:14, 4:24, Jn. 6:63. Eph. 4:15)
The Road to Reformation is a work of generations, a ministry of generations. –(Isa. 58:12, 61:4)
On The Road to Reformation we must understand the application of new wineskins and new wines. –(LK. 5:36-39)
On The Road to Reformation we must remain friends of the Bridegroom. –(LK. 5:34-35)
On The Road to Reformation we must love the Groom.
On The Road to Reformation we must see the restoration of all things. –(Acts 3:19-21)
Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Reformation of the Fivefold
Elvis Iverson
In the Third Reformation of the Church there is reformations, with each of the articles of reformation there is a reformation with each article, the Thesis of reformation, like the reformation of the home church, like the reformation of the prophetic, like the reformation of financial systems, and with each reformation there is restoration that comes, and from reformation will come a revolution, I call it love revolution, and with each degree of reformation comes a degree of revival, and with each degree of reformation comes even greater harvest, reformation is a first thing.
Apostles and prophets lay foundation for reformation and from reformation comes revival which is the manifestation of the Glory of God, restoration is restoration first to the church then to the earth, this also means healing of nations, and from reformation comes love revolution which is radical change, and from church reformation comes social reformation, and from reformation comes social transformation, and from reformation comes harvest. Reformation is a principle thing.
There is coming a reformation of the fivefold ministry, the church must be reformed before that can happened the fivefold need to be reformed first.
History of the Five-Fold Ministry: In our time we see the restoration of the five-fold ministry, from Pastor to the evangelist, to the teacher, and then the prophet and the apostle, along with each restoration there are restorations or progress or progression of restoration and fullness. – (Eph. 4:11)
The Church must have freedom from the Clergy and Laity Church, the believers must be free from the laity spirit and the fivefold must free from clergy spirit, the Clergy is not the same as a fivefold minister. There is only one priesthood that is both the fivefold and the believers and the priesthood begins in the home church.
What is the fivefold ministry? It is the government of the church!! Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and from that Head unfolds the government of the Church. But the Kingdom of God rest upon His shoulders.
We will have the fivefold ministry and there functions till we all come into the unity of the faith, first of all we come into unity of faith, some come before others and lead the way for the rest, but then all will come, what is the unity of the faith: The mature church and the mature city church. Certain functions of the fivefold will be fulfilled and some others will be fulfilled as the church matures.
The reformation of the fivefold is coming to bring them first into the new wineskins and reformation is coming as a whole to bring us into the new wineskins. So much reformed of the fivefold is to change of wineskins in our thinking and mind and heart. I call the new wineskins the new apostolic wineskins.
One main wineskins is the home church and God will bring the fivefold back into the home church. The early church was a community network of home churches with apostolic oversight. Pastors were home church pastors they ministered pastoral care in two or three teams in the home. The evangelists minister among the homes churches in witnessing the lost to Christ and gathering them into homes.
God is restoring the fivefold in the house of God, one of the wineskins is the network of homes churches in the area with a center, the center is the ministry of apostles, prophets and teachers.
The financial support of the fivefold will change, most will be part time in ministry, most will have jobs, or careers, only apostolic workers will be full time for the reason ministering among many congregations, which is a new apostolic congregation a network of home churches with a center. The financial support will also comes from alternative financial support and revenue based support and these will become main support network for fivefold ministry.
All the giving support will be used for the work of ministry and missions and compassion outreaches, and outreach ministries.
The Elders are the mature fivefold: elders are apostles, prophets, teachers, with a set visionary as the lead elder, but the group is lead in agreement on most things.
The pastors work in teams, the evangelists work in teams, the teachers works teams, prophets work in teams, and apostles work teams, even believers ministry is in teams, every ministry is does in teams.
The center is a place of fathering and mentoring, prophets mentor prophets, pastors mentor pastors, evangelists mentor evangelists, teachers mentoring teachers, apostles mentor apostles and can mentor pastors, evangelists, teachers, and prophets, and likewise mentoring is done with others gifs in the body among believers.
Christ is calling for reformation, reformation is flowing from the heart of Jesus to the apostles and prophets and reformation is flowing from their hearts and reformation is flowing from all hearts in Christ, we just need to flow upon the river of reformation, for it is grace first then reformation but reformation is of love.
Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Progress of Reformation
Elvis Iverson
The Lord show me there are five reformation, the first two have already come, they are New Covenant Reformation which begin with John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus Christ and then continue with the Apostles of Lamb of God and came to fullness through Apostle Paul, the apostle of the New Covenant. The second Reformation was the Protestant Reformation. The Third Reformation is the New Apostolic Reformation, which is the great reformation of the church. But the Lord show me there will be two more reformations coming in the future which are the Reformation of the mature city church, which will be us going from the new apostolic church to the mature city church that is the fourth reformation of the church, the fifth reformation of the church will be the eternal church reformation, the reformation from the end time church to the eternal church that begin at the return of Christ, this is the fifth reformation of the Church. Right now we are in the third reformation of the church. – (Heb. 9:10)
What are the stages of the Third Reformation? First reformation will come like a lamb everyone likes a lamb, then reformation will become a lion, reformation will roar like a lion, then reformation be like a horse and come like wild fire around the world, then reformation will come like an eagle means supernatural in signs and wonders, Then reformation will come like a drove meaning there will be great unity in the church, then reformation will come like an ox meaning the work of reformation missionary work of the whole church in every nation, and then reformation will come like a man meaning the maturity of reformation.
The Third Reformation is the reformation of the whole church, it is the great reformation of the church, it is the new apostolic reformation, for apostles and prophets lay the foundations of reformation.
To the degree of reformation we have is the degree of revival we will have, apostles and prophets lay the foundations of reformation and reformation is laying the foundations of revival, many revivals, and lasting revivals.
The Third Reformation will last as long as it takes, it may take 40 years or it may take 100 years, it is up to the hearts of believers and the fivefold ministry if they will only obey the command of Christ, The will of Christ for the church is reformation, He wants the church to go through this divine reformation of the apostles and prophets.
The Church today will not be the church of tomorrow, the face of Christianity will change in one generation, I have heard this from more then one leader of our time.
The wineskins of the Third Reformation of the church is the new apostolic wineskins, Christ will raise up and mature the new apostolic wineskins in every nation on earth, and fill them with New Apostolic wines.
The New Apostolic Wineskins are:
New Apostolic Home Church: Priesthood begins in the home church, and the church meets in the church, and the one another ministry in the home.
New Apostolic Congregation: Network of home churches with center in a certain area.
New Apostolic Vertical Networks: Network of churches and fivefold ministry, and new apostolic Congregations.
New Apostolic Horizontal Networks: Unions of apostles and unions of Ecclesiastical apostles.
New Apostolic City Church: Gathering of apostles and prophets in a city and center for city church ministry.
New Apostolic Centers: centers for prayer and outreach, and ministry.
New Apostolic Councils: fellowships of apostles, fellowships of prophets, roundtable fellowships.
New Apostolic Wines:
Signs and wonders, gifs of the Spirit, and Bliss gifts of God.
Prophecy, visions, dreams, and the deep prophetic.
Soaking presence and soaking revival.
Holy Intoxication and holy intoxicated lifestyle.
Practice of prayer and soaking prayer.
Songs and Worship.
Apostle’s doctrine, apostolic and prophetic teaching.
A prayer of Reformation for you:
Father we pray for personal reformation to come to all believers in Christ, we pray for the Thesis of the Third Reformation to be establish in the church, We pray for corporative reformation to come to the church in every nation, we pray for the new apostolic wineskins to be establish in every nation and we pray fill them and let them overflow with new apostolic wines. We pray for personal revival to come to all believers in Christ and we pray for corporative revivals to come to the church in every nation and we pray for all believers and the church in every nation to be established in radical grace. We pray in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Thesis of the Third Reformation
Elvis Iverson
The Third Reformation is the reformation of the whole church, it is the great reformation of the church, it is the new apostolic reformation, for apostles and prophets lay the foundations of reformation. –(Heb. 9:10)
We have enter into a time of reformation, this is the Third reformation of the Church, this is the great reformation of the church, our Lord Jesus Christ will for His church is the reformation of all things. The reformation of all things in the church will bring the restoration of all things to the earth, to the degree of reformation the church has is the degree of restoration the earth will have, and to the degree of reformation the church has is the degree of revival the church will have.
The Church today will not be the church of tomorrow, the face of Christianity will change in one generation, I have heard this from more then one leader of our time.
Christ is calling for reformation, reformation is flowing from the heart of Jesus to the apostles and prophets and reformation is flowing from their hearts and reformation is flowing from all hearts in Christ, we just need to flow upon the river of reformation, for it is grace first then reformation but reformation is of love.
The Thesis of the Third Reformation:
The Revelation of the Home Church.
New Apostolic Congregation.
New Apostolic Wineskins.
The Priesthood of the believers.
The Ministry of the Kings of the Kingdom.
The New Order of the Fivefold Ministry.
The Arise of the City Church.
Grace Giving.
Gifs of the Spirit.
Gifs of God.
The Restoration of Seven Feasts of the Lord and Our Jewish Roots, Understanding the Torah, and the restoration of Israel.
Restoration of Apostles and Prophets.
Opening of prophetic ministry.
Restoration of a group of elders, no more one man ministry.
Reformation of Foreign Missions.
Restoration of the Gospel of Grace.
Restoration of the path to ordinations.
Restoration of eating together and fellowship.
Restoration of city church, regional church, state church, national church, zone church and global church.
Change of the support of ministry.
Revelation of the Body of Christ.
Change of End Time Teachings.
The Call for Church Unity.
Coming many revivals and lasting revivals.
Discipleship, equipping, mentoring, and Training, and Fathering.
Signs and wonders and the supernatural.
The importation of Apostle’s doctrine.
Restoration of family.
Practice of presence of God.
Prayer Ministry.
Worship Ministry.
Deliverance ministry and Spiritual warfare.
Revelation of the Kingdom of God.
Women in Ministry.
The Church in the Workplace.
A prayer of Reformation for you:
Father we pray for personal reformation to come to all believers in Christ, we pray for the Thesis of the Third Reformation to be establish in the church, We pray for corporative reformation to come to the church in every nation, we pray for the new apostolic wineskins to be establish in every nation and we pray fill them and let them overflow with new apostolic wines. We pray for personal revival to come to all believers in Christ and we pray for corporative revivals to come to the church in every nation and we pray for all believers and the church in every nation to be established in radical grace. We pray in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Fourth and Fifth Reformation
Elvis Iverson
The Lord showed me Five Reformations of the Church two have already happen which are the reformation of the New Covenant and the second is the Protestant reformation, and today we are in the third reformation of the church the Ekklesia reformation, the great reformation of the church. There are two more reformations coming the fourth reformation is the Mature church reformation and the fifth is the eternal church reformation. – (Heb. 9:10)
New Covenant Reformation—(Matt. 26:28)
Protestant Reformation—(Rom. 1:17)
Ekklesia Reformation—(Heb. 9:10)
Mature Church Reformation—(Acts 3:19-21)
Eternal Church Reformation—(Eph. 3:11)
What is the Mature Church Reformation? It is the time of the mature city church and restoration and healing of nations and the union of the church and Israel.
What is the Eternal Church Reformation? The Transition between Christ reign from heaven to Christ reign on earth over heaven, and the church of Heaven and Church on Earth connected and in fellowship and brought together.
The Mature Church Reformation:
Mature City Church.
Unity of the Faith.
Revelation of the Kingdom of God.
The God divisions of Church.
Church and Earth full of glory and revivals.
Union between the church and Israel.
Restoration and Healing of the Nations.
The Eternal Church Reformation:
Kingdom of God.
Kings and Priests.
Restoration of Earth.
The City of God.
God’s origin purpose
Christ’s reign.
Fellowship of the church of Heaven and the church of Earth.
Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved