Zoe Prophetic Prophecy

By Elvis Iverson

Copyright © 2023 by Elvis Iverson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.

Printed in the United States of America

Elvis Iverson
P.O. Box 8132
Omaha, NE 68108


Supplication International Ministries 


Fourth Great Awakening
Fires of Revivals
Lions of Revival
Many Revival will Come To Pass
Throne Room Revival Fire
Prosperity of Nations
Christ in Society
Deep Healing and Lasting Healing of Nations
Heart of the Father for the Nations
Agenda of the Trinity

Fourth Great Awakening

In a vision I see the winds of the Spirit blow upon America and many nations!!! I hear a Voice saying let the divine secular awakening come across the earth let the citizens of earth awake to the corruption and wickedness and treasonous that has control their governments and people for so many long years. Now the time of breakthrough and justice has begun. Great shall be the judgment upon these governments. 

Its time for true repentance to sweep the earth. Waves of metandia will come across many nations and around the earth. Great Repentance and Great Metandia will come across America. 

I hear the Voice saying it is time for the fourth Great Awakening to sweep through America, many and great numbers and mass number will gather to repent, to hear the Word, to honor the Word, to the honor the servants of the Word. 

This fourth awakening will be a grand opening for revivals to begin and time of harvest and the third reformation of the Church. 

This fourth awakening will be like a train of glory with revival, harvest, and reformation following. God will reorder the church into divine order of revival, harvest, and reformation. 

The Fourth Great Awakening is not just the awakening for America, but the whole earth. At the same or around the same time God will pour our great judgement and Great Justice upon the earth. The fear of God will increase greatly. 

The Apostles will arise with many signs and wonders and many will gather around them, and many streams of churches will be birth and mass numbers will be humbled and surrender under the mighty Hand of the Holy Spirit. Great liberty of the Spirit and Divine Order will flood the Church. Prophets will come with holy passion and signs and wonders and none of their words will fall to the ground. Many cities will repent and turn to Christ and be reborn in God. 

There will be awakening in Europe beginning in France that will cause mass numbers to return to Christ and home church Christianity. Then there will be a great awakening in Russia and movements of the gifts of the Spirit. 

The Fear of God will touch many nations, and all nations will open their doors for a time and some will remain open for good. The governments and nations that suffer the church will decrease greatly and repent, those nations that don’t will be broken up into twos or threes. There will be a lot of governments in this time that will fall apart and come to nothing. 

This is a time of great judgment and great justice and great shaking that will bring an end to many governments and reorder and a line the nations. Republics and common wealth republics will begin to increase and arise and fill the earth of man. 

Fires of Revivals

I see hearts around the earth praying and soaking and I see fires of revivals in their heart. I see three pleases then ten pleases and then 100 pleases, can this really happen in our day and time? I hear a big yes and much, much, much, more, more, and more.
I hear a voice saying the rain of the Spirit has begun. I can see clouds forming over cities and I can hear the sound and I can feel the rains of the Spirit. It is time to dance in the rain of the Spirit. Come out now from your dead churches and dance in the rain of the Spirit. Many churches will come to end, many churches will fall apart, and many churches will close their doors. The doors of harvests and evangelism will open in many cities and souls will flood into the church. 
I see the fires of revivals! Do you see the fires of revivals? If you can see them you can touch them! Its time for you to have revival breakthrough! If you have revival in your heart you can have revival among the church and then among the city. 
What has been prophesy about revivals will begin to unfold and begin to outpour. It is time to come into the dance of God and live in revival fires. Its time to drink and drink and drink and be drunk on revival. 
I see the first revival fire come out of some hearts north of us and this fire burn around many cities near them and much healing and salvation came. This was the first of many, and there was those who try to stop these fires and God judge them quickly. 

Then I see over here as we prepare a place and prepare hearts to come into revival fire that fire and rain of the Spirit came and this first of many, and many repent and was healed and this revival fire went on for years and no one can stop these revival fires. 
Then the third revival fire came south of us, and fire came and soaking fire came and love of God burn and this too went for many years and many were saved and many were touch.
I see as these revival fires touch each other their will come a 100 revival fires out of these three. There will be much revival, much salvation, much new churches birth, much new missionary waves, much worship, and much healing. 

Lions of Revival

In a vision I open the back door of my house and I see a lion with the fire of God in and around and I hear these words no more your puppy dog revivals, no more petting revivals. It’s the beginning of wild fire and holy fire, you only need to repent and surrender and humble yourself. 

I see a group of people meeting hearing the revelation of revival and I see an angel come down from heaven, an angel of revival and I see a fire that burns ten times more then any other revival in history. I see this fire is in an apostle of revival and then this pure holy revival fire came out of this person and everything around him and before him the revival fire set upon them. No one could stop this revival. and wherever this person went revival came and wherever any person of this group went revival came. This went on for months and years and many were drunk with revival fire. 

I could see many coming into this realm of the revival meeting and many falling to the ground having carpet revival and this went on for three to five years. 

I hear a Voice saying it is time awake to the fire, the wine, and glory of revival. I hear the sound of many trumpets calling the north, south, east, and west. Come drink, come soak, come be drunk on revival. 

Only a few came but a few of many numbers, but still a few from many nations came. New churches, new centers and new movements were birth from this revival fire. 

I see and hear that many will say I don’t want revival? But only a faithful few will hear and obey and this few is many but still a few. 

But I hear this revival fire will roar as a lion and when this lion roar more will awaken to revival fire.

But the time will come that great numbers, massive numbers, and many numbers will hear and obey revival fire and revival fires will break out in many nations around the earth. 

Those who drink and drink of revival fire will increase and increase and those who don’t will not increase, but the time will come there will be a great number of revival fire drunks. 

I see a vision of pride of lion revivals that go forth throughout many nations and many cities that no one can stop or hinder. 

God will give time and time for the church to repent and open their hearts to the revival fires, but then God will re pleases them and the new churches of revival and reformation will arise in the earth. 

This revival fire that is coming will begin in one heart then with a group of hearts then in many hearts. This revival fire cannot be limited and will grow into a nature of its own. 

Many Revival Coming to Pass

In a vision I see the unfolding of the many revivals begin to come and they will come and come and come. Every prophecy of revival will come to pass. I see angels of revival going forth all over the earth to open and release revival in many cities and many regions. This day and time of revival will not end. I see this age of the apostles and I see this is age of revival. 
I see an angel before me he is an angel of revival. He says do you want revival? I say yes I want revival. He says are you sure you want revival? I again say yes. He says you do have the revelation of revival and still only a few believe. I say I am sorry for that but I believe the will of God is revival. Then the angel says you will have revival and you will have judgment. God will not allow revival to be hinder or stop, and He will not allow those who carry revival to be hurt. 
Then I see a vision of revival in many cities and revival in many regions and I see many signs and wonders, I see the signs of the apostles and I see signs of the prophets. I see revival centers arise and I hear the Voice say these are pillars of revival. I see revival will go on for many years. It will come a way of life. The church will never be without revival never again. 
I see a vision of many revivals, I see a vision of many revivals, I see a vision of many revivals, and I see a vision of many revivals. 
I see a map of America and I see revival here and revival there and revival here and revival there and revival over there. This went on for many years and then went on for many more years and then many more years. 
I see a vision of the earth and I see many revivals all over the earth. I see many revivals, and I see many revivals, and I see many more revivals, year after year and many years and many more years. 
Before one revival comes to an end another will begin, there will no longer be a time in between without revival. we are always have revival. 
Then I again see this angel of revival ask again do you want revival? I say yes! Then the angel ask again do you want revival? I say yes again! Then He ask again do you want revivals? I say yes! Then He says you will heave revival, revivals, signs and wonders, and goodness of the Lord. 

Throne Room Revival Fire

In a vision I am in the Third Heaven Throne Room of God. I can feel the glory of God and I am soaking in the glory of God, I am smoking the Glory of God. I can feel and feed on revival fire. I see many fires of revival, and I touch them and I can feel them. 
I hear a Voice saying you can have revival always and revival every day, and today. Revival is always yours and it is a grace from God. I feel such love of God fill and fill and fill me, such love overflow and overwhelm and overcome. 
I could not take it any longer I was on the floor and I enjoyed everything I could feel and I was beyond feelings. I soaked and drink for hours and hours and it seems time stood still here so we can soak and drink for hours. Then I heard an angel say happy hour never ends here. 
First we are feel revival and feel revival and touch revival. Feeling the Holy Spirit and the Presence of God is number one thing in revival.
Second we are to soak in revival, soaking times in revival is the next thing in revival. Soak and soak, soak in revival. 
Third we are drink revival, we are drink revival, and we are to drink presence of God. 
Forth we are to have intoxication of revival. 
Fifth we are to have inner healing of revival.
Sixth we are to have divine healing in revival. 
Seven we are to have deep prophetic in revival.
Eight we are to have signs and wonders and gifts of the Spirit.
Ninth we are to believe for mass souls coming to Christ in Revival. 
Tenth we are to believe for many nations coming to Christ.

Revival is coming it’s a gift from God, it is a grace from God, you already have revival inside you and you can have revival always in the Third Heaven Throne Room. 
It is the will of God to establish a revival world on earth in the church around the earth. I only need a few to hear, humble, surrender, and soak. It is that easy!!!

Prosperity of Nations

In a vision I see an overflow of the mercy of the Lord. Divine intervention and angelic intervention among many nations and globally. Year of many prayers beginning to come to pass and unfolding. Come into divine moments and divine times. Our dreams and hopes for are world we live in are beginning to come true. 

I hear the sound of angelic trumpets sound around the earth from the position of prayer and worship. Can you hear the word in the sounds? Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! I see unfold army of angels pour out in many pours upon governments, nations, and people. I see the breakthrough anointing, and I see many breakthrough anointings pouring upon the earth.

I see a vision of the crown of Christ over the nations of the Earth, I see Jesus Christ our Lord with His hands moving through the earth like the earth is clay. I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit saying I will raise up the government of the Apostles and Prophets and aligned that nations around the apostles and prophets. Those nations that gather around the apostles and prophets will have more prosperity. I will raise up the dominion of the church are aligned the nations around the dominion of the church and those nations that aligned will have more prosperity. The nations that gather around the third reformation will have more prosperity. The nations that open their heart to the many revivals will become very prosperous. The nations that humble themselves and come into the times of continued harvest will have great prosperity.

This is the time of great increase of the Kingdom of God, this is the time of great increase of the peace of the Kingdom, and this is time of great increase of the church. 

Waves and streams and floods of justices will flood the nations of the earth. This is a time great justice and a time of great judgement, God’s wealth will pour upon governments and wickedness in high places. Much freedom and great freedom will come and much prosperity will come forth. The degree of freedom a nation gives to the church will be the degree of prosperity enjoyed. 

Waves and streams of restitution will flow throughout the earth ministering to nations all over the earth. The fear of God will be great among all nations and the time of true wealth creation will begin and a bright future can now be dreams and hope for. 

Waves of bands of evangelists with healing in their hands will cover much and many missionaries will go forth reaping where they have not sown. Many short team missionary trips will be common for many believers from many nations. Teams of prophets will minister prophetic words of power and messages of great impact will shake the nations and faiths of people and turn many around and none of their words will fall to the ground. Apostles will speak revelation and anointing and great numbers will gather in many nations and the Father work will be preform. 

Waves and streams of restoration will cover many nations and all nations that open there gates and doors. These restorations will go on for many years and bring such transformation to the earth. 

Waves and streams and rivers of healing will flow throughout the earth. Waves of revival, streams of revival, and rivers of revivals will flow throughout the earth. Healing of the nations will be by many revivals. 

Christ in Society

Counter culture movements will arise in the earth to restore order to mankind and bring man’s mind back into the thoughts of God. Gross roots movements around the earth with the banners of the Lord walking in unity and solitary.
Marketplace revival and revivals will be burning in many places on the seven mountains of society in many cities, many states, many nations, and many zones around the earth.
Divine secular awakening will cover the world as we know it, a cry for justice and freedom and truth. Divine secular social reformation will arise in the hearts of the masses. Their cry will not go unheard of and many changes and many reforms will come forth. 
The Church will arise in the workplace and among the seven mountains and built alters of prayer and worship where many will gather around. 
Social reformation will move like many waves and floods washing over many mountains of society. Great shall be the influence of the church in this time. The church will arise in revival and wealth and lead in nation building and urban renew. The church will give birth to a fleet of banks of restoration and redemption. 
Several jubilees will take place throughout the earth. Wealth creation, wealth building, prosperity life, abundant opportunities and standard of living will be better around the earth. Medical advancements and many advancements will come like many breakthroughs from many walks of life. 
Kingdom renaissances and love revolutions will flow throughout the earth in many major cities and among the great population of the earth. Republics and common wealth republics will abound and increase around the earth and common law will replace the many laws of governments. The currency of nations will no longer be debt and control but gold, silver, and precious stones, and precious resources. The tax systems will be no longer burdensome instead very reasonable. 
Social transformations will happen in many cities and regions true healing will come and waves from these will touch every things around them. 
Many harvests of souls, children, youth, and nations and many revivals will come forth around the earth. City Church centers, Prayer Centers, Revival Centers, and Apostolic Centers will arise around the earth in many cities.  

Deep Healing and Lasting Healing of Nations

Great Increase of the Kingdom of God will come in our time much of the earth will be go through divine changes. Great Increase of the peace of the Kingdom will turn many nations and embrace and ingathering into the peace of the Kingdom. Great Increase of the church will increase greatly in our time. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through the revelation and anointing from the apostles and prophets this will flow throughout the earth many times.  
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through the unfolding of the many revivals, we are in the new apostolic age of revival, the age of the apostles and prophets and age of revival and signs and wonders. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through signs and wonders and the gifts of the church. Signs and wonders is not for the few but for many, many believers will flow in signs and wonders. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through the preaching and teaching of the grace of God and the Trinity. Good news will give forth fruits of good news. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through the goodness of God. First of all the Lord bringing the church into time feast of goodness, mercy, and loving kindness. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through the church as many believers minister and walk in unity and share and act and good deeds. The Church will lead in nation building and urban renew, and apostles will lead in nation building and urban renew.
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through waves of the manifestation of the Sons of God. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through the ministry of the Kings of the Kingdom of God. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through wealth, Wealth creation, wealth building, finances outpourings and favor of God. 
Deep healing and lasting healing will come through the wisdom of God and wisdom of the Apostles. 
We are come to times of healing of the nations, a time of healing of the nations and a time of Deep healing and lasting healing of the nations. 

Heart of the Father for the Nations

In a vision I see the glory that covers the Face of the Father. I see Jesus our Lord seated next to God the Father. I see seven burning fires which is the Holy Spirit and seven lampstands which is the Church. This is the prefect mature will of God for all and all will be brought in! 
I see a vision of the heart of the Father for the nations. It is a heart of bright hope, real hope, living hope, and divine hope. A prophetic hope for all peoples and all nations.
I see from this heart of sound prophetic divine hope comes a river of wisdom it is apostolic wisdom that flow throughout all nations and flow from the apostles and the prophets will flow heart of the father which is divine hope. God’s vision and God’s revelation for future and purpose of all peoples and all nations.
I could hear a sound from heaven and sound from the earth it is worship and it is prayer, and with it was the rain of the Spirit and Cloud of the Spirit. City Church Centers raise and be built. Prayer Centers arise and be built. Revival Centers raise and be built. Apostolic Centers arise and be built. I could see this happening in the earth all over the world. 
From these centers the cloud of the Spirit and rain of the Spirit hover day and night. These centers were the centers of the church. These were the horizontal centers of the realms of the Church. And from outward from them were vertical fellowships and all around hovering above was the Corporate Christ which is the corporate Church. 
I see a vision of streams and rivers of solemn assembles arising all over the earth, big gatherings for revival, apostolic prophetic preaching teaching, harp bowl gatherings, youth gatherings, worship gatherings, reformation, and evangelism. 
The Heart of the father for the nations is revival and wealth. God wants and willing to share the presence revival glory through partnering with the Church to many nations and the nations. The heart of the Father for the nations also is wealth He is willing to share his wealth and goodness to many nations and nations through the partnership of the church. 

Agenda of the Trinity

In a vision I am in the Third Heaven Throne Room I could see the Trinity. The Glory covers the Face of the Father, I could see the eyes of Christ love flowing out of them like mighty rivers. I see seven burning fire which is the Holy Spirit. I see many angelic, and cloud of witness. I since such peace and comfort and rest coming over me and I am brought near them by a wind of the Spirit. 
The Father speaks: First and foremost are agenda is revival, glory, presence of God, the fire of God. 
The Holy Spirit speaks: Our agenda is signs and wonders and gifts of the Spirit.
The Father speaks: Our agenda is the Grace of God, the Love of God, the Peace of God, and Rest of Christ.
Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks: our agenda is teaching and preaching the Written Word of God with rain of the Spirit and Word and Spirit.
The Father speaks: Our agenda is Word revelation with the Spirit.
The Father speaks: Our agenda is Apostolic Revelation with the Spirit.
The Father speaks: Our agenda is Prophetic Revelation with the Spirit.
Our Lord Jesus Christ: Our agenda is the Church, the dominion of the church. Increase of the Church.
The Father speaks: Our agenda is apostles and prophets, government of apostles and prophets.
Our Lord Jesus Christ: Our agenda is the priesthood of the believer and kings of the Kingdom coming forth. 
Our Lord Jesus Christ: Our agenda is the Kingdom of God, increase of the Kingdom, increase of the peace of the Kingdom. Revelation of the Kingdom. 
The Father speaks: our agenda is wealth, finances, and favor.
The Holy Spirit speaks: our agenda is the harvest of souls, harvest of children, harvest of youth, harvest of families, harvest of generations, and harvest of nations. 
The Father speaks: Our agenda is family. The believer’s family, the church family, human family, and your family. Generations of family.
Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks: Our agenda is reformation, the reformation of the church. The third reformation of the church. 
Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks: Our agenda is the unity of the Church.
Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks: Our agenda is Israel!!!
The Holy Spirit speaks: Our agenda is cities, nations, regions, zones, and the globally. 
The Father speaks: Our agenda is justice, freedom, breakthrough, and restoration.
The Holy Spirit speaks: Our agenda is America.
The Father speaks: Our agenda is destiny, your destiny, and which believer destiny.
After hearing their agenda and prophetic prophecy called Zoe Prophecy which is half deals with revival and other half deals with the nations. For some years I was led by the Holy Spirit to release prophetic prophecy to the church and nations and they went around the earth many times, and I was lead do prophetic ebooks that has touch many around the earth. This prophetic word called Zoe Prophecy will be an end of a prophetic leading, this last prophetic ebook, last prophetic book, and the last prophetic words that is release to the church and the earth, I may release prophetic prophecy in future through article, but this is an end of era. Thank you…