New Testament Church

Elvis Iverson

What are the characteristics of the New Testament Church? What were the characteristics of the church in the book of Acts? What were the characteristics of the first days Church? In this article we will try to list some of the characteristics of the church in acts.

However, why today's church is so different to the church that Christ founded in the book of acts? The church of today is not the intent of what Christ wanted for his people. Why do we place so much emphasize on today's church that Christ did not build or willed? We should not recognize a church that Christ did not want and if the church is not according to the blue prints in the New Testament we should not even take notice it. Yes those who are born again are apart of the body of Christ and we should fellowship with any believer who has the Spirit of God in them. Yes we love those Christians and Ministers in churches that are not Christ willed.

Nevertheless, the church in acts was not the perfect church or the mature church; it was the beginning of the church, not the end of the church. They did have a few things right that we need in order to move forth in church life. We must learn from the church of acts and progress from there unto maturity. Someday in the future there will be a perfect and mature church that is worthy to be called the body of Christ.

Characteristics of the New Testament Church:

1.Visions, dreams and prophecy. Acts 2:17-18.
2.Signs, wonders, miracles and healing. Acts 2:43.
3.Gifts of the Spirit. 1 Cor. 12
4.Believer's ministry. Acts 8, 11.
5.Team of Elders. Acts 11:30.
6.The Five-fold Ministers all had a place. Eph. 4:11.
7.All ministries, etc. had a place. 1 Cor. 12.
8.Giving to the poor among the church. Acts 11:29.
9.Grace Giving. 2 Cor. 8, 9.
10.Apostles and Prophets. Eph. 2:20.
11.Cell churches, home churches, and meeting in your own home to fellowship and worship together. Acts 2:46.
12.The City Church was the Church. 1 Cor. 1:2.

Besides, The Lord will build his church, his house in our cities in every nation on the earth. We must partner with the Lord and with his plans not our plans. The Lord and the Holy Spirit are not seeking out for our plans, they wants us to seek them out for their plans.

However, the wineskins today must change, we must give way to the coming new wineskins that are in the progress to a modern day Acts church. They may not be the prefect or the mature church yet along, as we keep humble, meek and moving forth with the Holy Spirit and his plans. Today's wineskins have no place for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, revival, the believer's ministry, and the everyday Christian.

Furthermore, I did not write the Bible, New Testament, or the book of Acts. We can no longer overlook these Scripture principles in how to have church life. The Lord is changing the church life to a more better and real walk with Christ and the Holy Spirit.

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Understanding The Apostolic

Elvis Iverson

In the beginning of the Jesus Christ ministry on earth one of his first steps in his ministry was to call those who would be his apostles. He didn't call prophets, etc. He only called apostles first, apostles were the first disciples of Jesus ministry. Apostles first to be commission into ministry. Apostles were the first leaders of the church. (Matt. 20:16)

Jesus Christ is not only the head of the church; he is the chief apostle of all apostles of Christ. The apostolic anointing flows from him to all the body of Christ, and the apostles. (Heb. 3:1)

Jesus is the one you created the office and ministry of the apostle not man, not the church, not the Christian faith. It is Jesus who calls and raises up apostles, not man, not the church, not the Christian faith. (Acts 9)

However, the apostolic is not just for the apostles, this is first for the body of Christ. Today I will try to give you a list to help you in your understanding of the apostolic. We need to know what is the apostolic and what is not the apostolic. (Acts 8:1,4, 11:19)

Understanding The Apostolic:

1.The Apostolic is the Apostles. (Jn. 20:21)
2.The Apostolic is the Great Commission. (Matt. 28:19-20)
3.The Apostolic is the sending anointing. (Acts 13:1-4)
4.The Apostolic is missionary work. (Acts 13:46-48)
5.The Apostolic is foundational work. (Eph. 2:20)
6.The Apostolic is pioneering work. (Rom. 15:20)
7.The Apostolic is governmental establishment. (1 Cor. 12:28)
8.The Apostolic is architecture work. (1 Cor. 3:10)
9.The Apostolic is new wineskins. (LK. 5:37-39)
10.The Apostolic is signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and gifts of the Spirits, Deliverance and mighty deeds. (2 Cor. 12:12)
11.The Apostolic is every believer walking into his or her calling and gifts. (1 Cor. 1:7)
12.The Apostolic is relationships, fellowshipping, and networking. (Eph. 2:21-22)
13.The Apostolic is the unity, reconciliation, corporate Anointing. (Psa. 133)
14.The Apostolic is reformation and revival. (Heb. 9:10)
15.The Apostolic is fathering mentoring, training Equipping, and discipleship. (Eph. 4:12)
16.The Apostolic is local church planting. (Acts 14:23)
17. The Apostolic is cell groups and homes churches. (Acts 2:46)
18.The Apostolic church is the city church. (Rev. 1:4)
19.The Apostolic is revelational ministry. (Eph. 3:5)
20.The Apostolic is impartional ministry. (Rom. 1:11-12)
21. The Apostolic is compassion and mercy works. (Gal. 2:10)
22.The Apostolic is ongoing, unyielding prayer and intercession. (Eph. 6:18)
23.The Apostolic is spiritual warfare. (Eph. 6:12)
24.The Apostolic is the ambassadors of Christ. (2 Cor. 5:18,19,20)

In addition, The Holy Spirit is giving a definition to what are apostles, prophets, the apostolic, and the apostolic church. At the same time we are learning what is not the apostolic, etc. why we need to learn this, for the reason some people want to play their religious games with the apostolic. We are to test these spirits for not every spirit is from God. (1 Jn. 4:1)

Moreover, the apostolic has always been in the church, instead there were misled ministers who hinder the apostolic and now they are being removed, and their dead work too. The apostolic comes to add to the restoration of the church not to establish another Christian religion. (Acts 3:19-21)

However, Today I believe that one main goal of all true apostles is to begin an end to the religion of Christianity, and rise up the body of Christ to replace Christianity and to obey her destiny; it is the Lord Himself who will bring an end to all religions, this includes Christianity. Beside, all true apostles should leave Christianity and only be joined to the body of Christ. We can no longer belong to two fellowships; you are ether apart of the Body of Christ or the religion of Christianity.

Furthermore, the purpose of this article was to give terminology and definition to the apostolic so we can clearly see the apostolic vision for the church, our cities, and ourselves.

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What is the Apostolic Church?

Elvis Iverson

The Apostolic Church was birth from of the Throne Room in the third heaven. If you could see what the apostolic church looks like with spiritual eyes. It would look like a burning and increasing fire of the Lord coming to eat and burn away everything that is not of the nature of Christ. The apostolic church is not man made or a man made ideal. The apostolic church commission is to bring reformation to all things in the church to the image of Christ. Who is the head of this burning fire? Jesus Christ the chief Apostle and Head of the Church.

In addition, the apostolic anointing flows from the Head of the Church to the body of Christ and the apostles. The apostolic anointing brings increase to the living church. The apostolic anointing brings life to the will of God for the Church. The apostolic anointing reforms us to truth and the image of Christ. The apostolic anointing comes to us that Christ and His Kingdom may come to us.

Moreover, the prophets prepare the way; prepare you for the Lord, and the apostles bring the way, the Lord and His Kingdom to you. The apostolic anointing is greater then one apostle, or a few apostles, or even a company of apostles, this anointing comes from Christ. You may not know an apostle, but you have Jesus the Chief Apostle over you. 

Beside, we will see living apostles moving forth with authority and power just as in the book of Acts so shall it be with today's apostles. There were the Apostles of the Lamb, then there are the Apostles of Christ, all true apostles are apostles of Christ. An apostle is called through one on one contact with Christ through the Holy Spirit.

However, apostles are not the main event, the saints are, and the Holy Spirit, and Christ. Apostles and Prophets are to form the foundation for the saints to move forth and fulfill the great commission.

Apart from that, what is the apostolic church? In this article I will try to list the characteristics of the apostolic church. It is important to know what is the apostolic church and what is not the apostolic church. The apostolic church is the local church, cell churches, homes churches, networks, city church centers, city church networks, and the mature city church.

However, the first goal of the apostolic movements is not to become another religion, instead to add to church in restoration. The apostolic movements are the platform for all great movements to come forth. We are laying the foundation of the apostles and prophets to establish a lasting and enduring platform for revivals, and moves of God to always happen and never be without, and to have lasting revival.

In addition, the second goal is to begin an end to all Christian groups that are not according to the image of Christ, to bring end of the Christian religion and replace it with the body of Christ, to reform all things in the church to the image of Christ, plus to bring an end to all religions and open the gates and doors wide to Kingdom of God.

Moreover, the third goal of the apostolic movements is to equip the saints to the work of the ministry, marketplace and workplace ministers, that the church will no longer lack any gift. The fourth goal of the apostolic movements to establish the church into the apostolic government, and raise the church up to fulfill her destiny in Christ. The fifth goal is to birth the kingdom church and to prepare the church for the end times. Plus that church will come to the unity of the faith. Plus that the apostolic church will birth the city church, the sixth goal is to rise up the saints to fulfill the great commission. The seventh goal is to restore the church to her true authority in the Earth.

Besides, what the Acts church had was the foundation of the apostles and prophets, gifts of Spirit, saints ministry, signs, wonders the power of God, and the city church. At the same time this was not the perfect church or mature church, instead, they have these things that lead to the perfect and mature church. I believe that today we will be lead from these godly principles of the acts church to the perfect and mature church, which is the city church, which is the kingdom church.

24 characteristics of the apostolic church;

1.Saints, believers, workplace, marketplace, and business Christians do the work of the ministry. No more a few does the ministry, instead the many, while the few equipped the saints. The Apostolic Church is a body ministry.
2.There is a team of elders with a leading elder working among them. The apostolic church is not a one-man ministry.
3.There is a team of ministers; team workmanship is the way of ministry of the apostolic church.
4.There is freedom for the gifts of Spirits, freedom for any gift from God.
5.The apostolic church is a house for the prophets. Prophets are protected and welcome.
6.The order of the house is one of freedom, grace and functional accountability.
7.The Apostolic Church is a restoration house for falling ministers and believers.
8.The Apostolic Church is a missionary home base to the nations.
9.The Apostolic church is a house of signs, wonders, miracles, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
10.The Apostolic Church is a church that works with other churches in their city, they believe in the city church, and the body of Christ.
11.The Apostolic Church is a place of covenant relationships, Biblical fellowship, discipleship, equipping, mentoring and fathering.
12.The Apostolic Church is a place for compassion and mercy ministries and works.
13.The Apostolic Church is a church that is not limited to the four walls.
14.The Apostolic Church is a grace giving church.
15.The Apostolic Church is a church of many people groups in Christ.
16.The Apostolic Church is a church where women and Children are honor for their gifts and skills, and are not hinder. There is no age gap or gender gap, or race gap in the Apostolic Church.
17.The Apostolic Church does not conform to the many cultures, instead they conform to the kingdom culture and they conform the cities and people around them to the kingdom culture.
18.The Apostolic Church does not only wins many souls to Christ in turn they disciple them into Christ's Disciples.
19.The Apostolic Church is a house of prayer for all nations.
20.The Apostolic Church is a house of true worship according to the Tabernacle of David.
21.The Apostolic Church follows and applied the models of church life in the book of Acts in today's church life.
22.The Apostolic Church is a church of deliverance, and casting out demons in the name of Jesus.
23. The Apostolic church believes in a glorious church in the future and the end time church.
24.The Apostolic Churches believers that the Jews rightful land is the nation of Israel, and that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the nation of Israel.

Beside, the Apostle Church is the modern day Antioch church. Antioch is the model for the Apostolic Church today. We not only believe in Apostles and prophets are today, we also believe that the books of Acts are for today too. Today's book of Acts will not be called the Acts of the Apostles, instead the Acts of Saints in the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, the body of Christ will become the Apostolic Church. The Apostolic Church will reform all things in the church to the image of Christ. After the Apostolic Church has fulfilled it's purpose, the unity of the faith will come and increase and grow to the point that the Apostolic church births and gives way to the Kingdom Church, which is the city church in every city of every nation in the world.

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New Apostolic Order

Elvis Iverson

We are a day of new apostolic order and a new church government. A new day of new wineskins and a day of new wines, the older church governments will not like the new church government. This church government is bringing birth from the heart of the Father, and it is giving through Jesus Christ, and we will receive this new government by the Holy Spirit.

Freedom: This new apostolic order is an order that bring freedom to the church, frees the human will to serve Christ. Frees the believer to walk in their gifts and calling, frees the minister to obey they calling without control. This freedom brings an end to the control of man and demons in the church.

Equipping the Saints: This new apostolic order is a government of the apostles, prophets, teacher, pastors and evangelists that their main purpose is to equipped the saints for the work of the ministry. The five-fold ministry only does 2% of the ministry and the believer does the other 98% of the ministry. The work of the ministry belongs to the common believer.

Five-Fold Ministry: This new apostolic order is a government where each of the five-fold Ministers have a place in the church, and a ministry in the church, instead of the one-man ministry.

A Group of elders: This new apostolic order is a government of a team or a group of elders, meaning not a one-man ministry, instead a ministry of the elders.

Apostles and Prophets are the Foundation: This new apostolic order is a government where apostles and prophets are the foundation, where apostles and prophets are the leading ministers, where the apostle is first and the prophet is second in order of church government.

The Gifts of the Spirit: This new apostolic order is a government where the church is build around the gifts of the Spirit and other gifts, where the believer have freedom to walk in the gifts of the Spirit, where there is a order of freedom for the gifts.

Discipleship: This new apostolic order is a government where young believers and babes in Christ are disciple into the basics and the elementary of the faith, so that they can grow and stand on their two own feet as Christians. It is a church government that focuses on maturity as a Christian, in your gifts, and in life.

The Meat of the Word: This new apostolic order is a government where they layout before the saints the meat of the Word, instead of only milk teachings. It is a church government where the lambs are cared and feed for properly, and where young men can become warriors through the meat of the Word, you can't feed a church only on milk or gain, they need meat.

Mentoring and Fathering: This new apostolic order is a government where believers and office ministry are mentored and fathered into their gifts and ministries. This new government is a house of the fathers and a home to sons and daughters.

Believers have a ministry: This new apostolic order is a church where believers have a ministry, gifts, and a place for ministry. The church is a body ministry, instead of only the few.

No Four Walls: This new apostolic order is a church that is not based on a building, or four walls, instead the city and the city church. There may be local churches, homes churches, center meeting places and homes, but the people are the real church.

The City Church and the City: This new apostolic order is a church that has a vision for their city and the believers of the church of the city, and seeks to fellowship and become more as the city church.

Missionary minded Church: This new apostolic order is a church that has new ways of ministering to the nations, new methods that build the Christians in other nations, more then the name of their group.

House of prayer for all nations: This new apostolic order is a house of prayer for all nations. They believe in the power of prayer, and the ministry of prayer.

Signs and Wonders: This new apostolic order is a church government that believers in the power of God among all believers, in signs, and wonders, etc.

Deliverance Ministry: This new apostolic order is government that believers in casting out demons and that every believer has the power over demons and to set people free and that people can be free from demons, and sins, etc.

Workplace Ministers: This new apostolic order is a church that believers in the ministry of the workplace, they believe in the kingdom purpose of workplace, the marketplace and the purpose of businesspersons.

Grace Giving: This new apostolic order is a church that believers in power of grace giving, and moves forth in grace, faith, worship, and the seed that is giving to them to support the church. The financial system of this government is grace giving.

The End Time Church: This new apostolic order is a government that believers in the church of the future, the destiny of the church, that the church shall become a glorious church in the end times.

The City Church: This new apostolic order believers that the end time church where be the true city church as in the book of Acts, instead, better then Acts, and more mature then the beginning, meaning perfect.

The Kingdom of God: This new apostolic order believers in the Kingdom of God that came through Jesus seating at the Right of the Father and will fill the earth through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and come to finish of being established at His return.

Growing Church: This new apostolic order is a government that flows and changing by the Holy Spirit, and Word of God as they are molded into the Image of Christ, and enters into newer moves of God, to add and to change for the better, and for the glory of Christ.

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