Reformation of Foreign Missions

Elvis Iverson

The day of the resident missionary is over, the day of missionary colonialism is over, and the day of the denomination missionary control is over. We come to a new day of missions, where the Lord is raising a new breed of missionaries in the world.

Yes the resident missionary had there day however, there was little fruit, and even today the resident missionary has little or no fruit. The application of missions must change in order to reach the lost and fulfill the great commission.

Today and in the past if you wanted to become a missionary you had to go to Bible College? However, the missionary degree at most or at all Bible Colleges does not prepare you for the missionary field, most of all you are just studying the Bible, and you only take at least two classes on missions.

We have forgotten the apostolic element of missionary works. That it is the apostolic anointing that is to break new ground and enter into the new territories and establish the good news. How can we have an apostolic element if we don't believe in the apostolic? How can we have the apostolic element if we don't believe in apostles are for today? How can we have the apostolic element without apostolic leadership?

We have forgotten the element of the power of the Holy Spirit in missionary work? The nations, cities and people groups need to see that Jesus is real; this is by the witness of the power of God through signs and wonders. How can we have the power of God element if we don't believe in the power of God for today?

The apostolic element and the power of God element is so much in needed that without them we can't fulfill the great commission.

In the past missionary waves throughout the world we preach the Good news and a Christian living, but without the Kingdom culture to change the communities around the believers and to establish a new culture that will change all cultures around them and change societies as a whole. Yes there was a little change of ideals, which was good, but now we need to establish kingdom culture. 

Do no not forget the missionary work in your own nation, plant new churches and rise up new leaders, and equip the believers for the work of the ministry. 

Today the Lord is sending missionaries to America from Africa and other such places; they are planting new churches and they are touching many. America too is a missionary field and the industrious nations need the apostles and missionaries of Africa, etc.

Now we need new missionary strategies birth from the heart of the Father through intercession; we need wisdom and revelation from the Holy Spirit of new game plans for foreign and global missions.

Ideals for the new game plans and strategies in missions:

·Support the church that is already there, aid them, build them up, partner and work with them.
·Find those who are called to be connected and in relationship with you, and then partner with them, build them up and support and work with them. Find persons of vision and character that also have your vision.
·See their vision and their goals, grow in relationship learning from one another.
·Support and finance native and indigenous missionaries and ministers.
·Establish a training center in America, etc. and bring those that have been lead to you to be rise up in ministry, then send them back and support and build their ministry and support and see their vision and goals. 
·Send teams to build and equip the believers, and ministers that are already there to do the work of the ministry.
·Send short-term missionary teams over there to build and aid the work that is already there.
·Do evangelistic meetings to win souls.
·Apostles and Prophets are called to be the leading missionaries.
·The Evangelist is called to win souls and preach Christ.
·Every believer is a missionary.
·Sending marketplace ministers into foreign markets.
·Minister through compassion works.
·Minister to the city church.
·Minister to the national church.
·Bring ministers and Christians together to promote unity.

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