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Five Groups of People
Elvis Iverson

There are Five People in the Church or you can say there are five kinds of relations toward the church. Which group do you fit in and are you ready to change your ways and get into a better group of people, it is time to have a change of mind, to repent means change your mind, repent is not of word you speak from your mouth instead it is a change of mind and change of action, then repent with words from heart not for your sins to be forgiving, for your sins are already forgiving, and your nature has already been change you have a new nature in Christ, but you must renounce what is not of you no more, and in realty when you become a new creation you were never a old creation. –(Rom. 12:1-2)

The First Group of People: Those who hear but don’t follow Christ, this is many people who hear the Word, hear the Gospel, and even say the sinner prayer but never follow Christ, they may go to church, but don’t follow Christ. 

The Second Group of People: Are those who are Luke warm and Cold heated and this is many people that go to Church that are Luke warm meaning they believe in the Fire of God, they believe in the passion of Christ, they believe in the devotion life but they are in comfort in  Sunday faith, Sunday church, Sunday Christianity. The cold heated also go to church but are cold to the things of the Spirit. 

The Third Group of People: These are people Trap into legalism, there do not understand grace, they do not have a foundation of grace, they mix grace with law. 

The Fourth Group of People: These ones are Hot for Jesus, Passionate for Jesus, on fire for Jesus, but some are hot for a time and some are hot for long time. Some based there hot fire on works and human strength and Human Effort.  

The Fifth Group of People: These are the group that understand grace and has a foundation in grace and there fire of God is based on the finish works and not there works. They are hot and on fire always since they based on Christ Alone. 

Which group do you want to be a part of? Which group are you a part of now? How do you change groups? How do you join the Fifth Group of People?

Establish in Radical Grace.
Establish in Rest of Christ.
Establish in the Soaking Presence of God.
Establish in the supernatural lifestyle in Christ. 

Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Seven Signs of Our Time
Elvis Iverson

We live in the day of the ekklesia reformation of the church, and the coming of many revivals, we are living in the day of apostles and prophets, and we will see great increases of the Kingdom of God and we will see great increases of the church, the revelation of the Kingdom of God has been unfolded in our generation. 

What are the seven signs of our time?

1.The Home Church shall replace the local church!!!
2.Christians in every walk of life will flow as kings and priests in Christ.
3.There will be outpourings of signs and wonders.
4.The Harvests of souls will be on massive levels in many nations. 
5.Many revivals, great revivals, extreme revivals, lasting revivals and resting revivals are coming. 
6.Apostles and Prophets will become center leaders and the main leadership of the church. 
7.Unity in the church will increase and continue to increase on a greater level.   

A.We are in the third reformation the new apostolic wineskins shall be establish in the church in many nations, what we think is church and the image of church will change in coming days, and the home church will arise as the main place of fellowship. 
B.The restoration of the priesthood begins in the home church, we will see full restoration of the priesthood in the church, and kings of the kingdom will arise and being divine changes and marketplace revivals to the society. 
C.The church shall be full of the gifts of the Spirit and bless gifts of God, most and all believers will flow in signs and wonders, signs and wonders will be common, apostles will flow in great signs and great wonders, and prophets will be a sign and a wonder in our day. 
D.With the reformation and establishing of the new wineskins and the home church becoming the main fellowship of believers there will be massive upon massive souls coming to the Lord in many nations, most nations and maybe all nations, great harvests of souls will flow like many rivers of souls coming to the church and it will seem there is no end to this great harvests of souls. 
E.With this great reformation there will come many revivals, revival will come a way of life to many, revival will be common for many, revival will be everywhere. 
F.Apostles and prophets will arise by divine acts of God becoming the center and main leadership of the church, the church being lead by apostles and guided by prophets. 
G.With this reformation and new wineskins and the vision of community and city church there will come increases of great unity in the church.   

Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

.New Wineskins Reboot
Elvis Iverson

In the 1980’s we seen the restoration of the prophets and in the 1990’s we seen the restoration of the apostles and beginning of the new apostolic reformation, and in 2000 we begun the second age of the apostolic. And we have begun in the ekklesia reformation the great reformation of the church, the third reformation of the church, and this reformation will lay the foundations of kuriakon revival. There are many revivals coming, great revivals, extreme revivals, lasting revivals and resting revival coming. One of the main elements of the third reformation is establish of the new apostolic wineskins and he outpouring of new apostolic wines. – (LK. 5:36-39)

The Elements of the Third Reformation:
1.The Thesis of the Third Reformation.
2.Apostles and Prophets.
3.Priesthood of the believers.
4. New Apostolic Wineskins and New Apostolic Wines.
5.Growing in the Unity of the Body of Christ.
7.Signs and wonders.
8.New Missionary movements.
9.New Church Planting movements.
10.The Wealth of the Wicket. 

The New Apostolic Wineskins:
1.Home Church: the home church will become the main church.
2.New Apostolic Congregation: a network of home churches with a center.
3.Vertical networks and covenant associations: networks of new apostolic congregations.
4.Horizontal networks: networks of apostles and vertical apostles. 
5.City church centers: a networks of the church of the city, and apostles in a city, prophets in a city, with center for city wide ministry and city wide outreach and 24/7 prayer, worship, and prophetic watch. 
6.God’s divisions of church: city church, regional church, state churches national church, zone churches, and global church. 
7.Parachurch ministries. 
8.Marketplace church: the church in the marketplace.
9.Apostolic and prophetic councils.
10.New Apostolic Centers: we are going from the local church to apostolic centers.
11.Internet church: God is using the internet as tool to bring many believers together, and a way reach out to many people in many nations.
12.Religious orders: once again religious order will be use to build unions among certain groups of apostles and prophets. 

New Apostolic Wines:  
1.Holy Intoxication.
2.Signs and wonders: gifs of the Spirit, bliss gifts of God, Deliverance, healing the sick, rising the dead, prophecy and visions. 
3.Deep Prophetic.
5.Soaking Presence. 

What is the difference between the new apostolic reformation and the ekklesia reformation? After much insight from the revelation of the Written Word about the reformation of the church I was led call this reformation Ekklesia reformation for the reason the new apostolic reformation does not fully embrace the reformation that Christ wants and wills for His church. The New Apostolic Reformation is many movements with the same grounds that want to see the church a living body and not a dead religion. But the Ekklesia reformation is the third reformation and the new apostolic reformation is the first stages of the ekklesia reformation, and the ekklesia reformation is a part of the new apostolic reformation, the new apostolic reformation is more a banner of reformation, but the ekklesia reformation is more the heart and mind of reformation. They are the same thing in some points and in other points that are not, I use the words ekklesia reformation to point out the reformation that God has giving me revelation about for His church. 

Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Pray for Many Revivals
Elvis Iverson
Father we come into the Third Heaven Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, we are seated with Christ already with you, we have union with you and our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we are soaked in your glory, in many revivals, in holy intoxication, we drink the Spirit, we breathe in the holy smoke of the shekinah glory, we are touch by the pillar of fire and the pillar of Cloud, we ask guide us by the Holy Spirit in apostolic prayers for revival. As we seated in Christ in the Throne Room of God, you also are seated in us, for we are the Temple of God, and the Third Heaven Throne Room of God is in the Third Heaven and in our hearts by faith in Christ Jesus, so we have revival, holy intoxication, pillar of fire and pillar of cloud and the glory of God in us. Christ is our High Priest we are living under an open heaven and we are an open heaven.  The Holy Spirit is the Anointing and HE is in us and upon us, He is the Breakthrough Anointing. We have breakthrough now and we have revival now and we have harvest now. 

Father we pray for the thesis of the Third Reformation to be establish in the church and the hearts of all believers. We pray establish the Gospel of Radical Grace throughout the Church. We pray establish every believer in the revelation of the God is love, and the revelation of the Rest of Christ, and the revelation of the Goodness of God. We pray establish the church in the revelation of revival. 

We pray for the coming of the many revivals to begin now in hearts of all believers in Christ. 
We pray for many revivals come now.
We pray for many revivals come now.
We pray for many revivals come now.

We pray for soaking revival, revival bliss, fire revival, wine revival, fire and wine revival to flood the church 
Soaking Revival come now.
Revival Bliss come now.
Fire Revival come now.
Wine Revival come now.

We pray for many visitation revivals come now, we pray for many massive revivals come now, we pray for habitation revivals come now, we pray for resting revivals come now, we pray for lasting revivals come now. 

Visitation Revivals come now. 
Massive Revivals come now.
Habitation Revivals come now.
Resting Revivals come now.
Lasting Revivals come now. 

Father we pray for many revivals to flood us now and begin in the church around the earth right now in the Name of Jesus!!!

We speak many revivals.
We speak many revivals.
We speak many revivals.

We speak grace, grace.
We speak grace, grace.
We speak grace, grace.

We speak many revivals.
We speak many revivals.
We speak many revivals.

We speak grace, grace.
We speak grace, grace.
We speak grace, grace.

Father we are already in Revival since AD 33 for we are seated with Christ, and we are the Temple of God, and we live in a continue outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Father we pray in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.  

Copyright © 2021 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved